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Dreamy is a dear game to my heart! I wanted it to be unapologetically pink and girly and I wanted it to be something I would love to see and play! 

Since I'm a practicing Muslim, I didn't add a background music, and I also didn't draw any living creature. It was a nice challenge to design a game using inanimate objects, and I guess this is a proof that since we Muslims are not allowed to do certain things that doesn't mean we can't achieve fun creative feats!

I don't know if my game would be fun and replay-able for you guys, so please let me know if you did enjoy it! Thank you!

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Fonts used:

Pony Club (In Canva)



Some of the assets are drawn by me and some are from Canva or the internet.

Some game icons are from: https://www.iconsdb.com/

The inspiration for the background is from this image: https://wallpapersafari.com/w/8fnYEi#google_vignette

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